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About Body planet

Our main objectiv is to reinforce learning through augmented reality.
sello realidad aumentada

What brought us here

We began our journey working for scientific training companies with the creation of an augmented reality projectAfter this first contact with the virtual world, and after years of experience in the field of health, we noticed a lack of teaching material in classrooms adapted to new technologies where we could put our knowledge into practice for the development of new teaching tools. After the creation of a first prototype, we decided to approach schools to show our work.
Cómo nació Body Planet
primer lanzamiento

First launch

After an initial contact with different educational centres, we started to work closely with some teachers in order to adapt our project to the needs of the students, both in terms of content and methodology. In July 2017 we launched the application and presented it at a conference on educational innovation at the University of Carlos III in Madrid, achieving very good results.

And then came the awards

In 2017 we were present at SIMO Educación, a benchmark event in the teaching activity, where we received the award for the most innovative technological project in the education sector.From there came more awards: the International Festival of Children's Communication 'El Chupete' chose us as one of the 10 best apps aimed at children developed in Spain; we were selected by SEKLABacceleration programme exclusively for innovative startups in education; we were finalists among more than 3000 participants in South Summit, the leading event in Southern Europe that connects the most innovative entrepreneurs with global investors; we received the 'Negocios de carne y hueso' award from Madrid Emprende y ElCampus360and the grupo SM included our applications in its Apprender platform.
premios Body Planet
investigación y desarrollo

Research and development 

One of our main purposes is to demonstrate empirically that augmented reality facilitates learning in children. To this end, we have carried out different tests with experimental and control groups at different educational stages and we have surveyed dozens of teachers who have tried our materials in the classroom. According to the data collected at the CSE 2018 conference at the Camilo José Cela University after our first year in the classroom, 87.5% of teachers believe that Body planet makes it easier for teachers to explain the content and 93.7% believe that it makes it easier for students to understand.

Our achievements 

Comenzamos con nuestra ya conocida camiseta interactiva, la cual permite ver cómo son nuestros órganos internos a través de la realidad aumentada y, tras su éxito en centros escolares, decidimos desarrollar más productos en la misma línea. Actualmente contamos con siete productos diferentes para el aprendizaje, tanto dentro y fuera del aula, como para el disfrute en familia. Nuestros materiales ya se emplean en cientos de centros educativos de toda España y han llegado a miles de hogares. Tenemos distribuidores oficiales en México, Chile, Colombia, Francia, Alemania y Croacia, además de vender en buena parte de Europa a través de nuestra web y de Amazon.
logros Body Planet
futuro Body Planet

Where we are going 

Our main objective has always been to ensure that children learn about the functioning and anatomy of the human body in a fun and friendly way, adapting to new digital needs. To look for ways to replace traditional classroom teaching systems with more modern and advanced means in line with children's learning nowadays, capable of assimilating concepts more quickly through the use of new technologies.

But we also focus on other subjects such as astronomy or family learning games. Our aim for the next few years is to have at least 10 products on sale in 40 countries.
prensa medios

Press kit

Information about Body Planet and the products

Press releases

Release notes of our applications


For more information, interviews or personalised articles, please contact: concha(@)
915 75 82 94
641 264 993


Javier Regueiro en negocios TV
Entrevista en el programa Rolling stocks
Rocío Molina en NTN24
Espacio Ciencia, Salud y Tecnología
Reportaje innovación en las aulas de El País
Reportaje de análisis
Rocío Molina en Negocios de Carne y Hueso
Entrevista en el canal Negocios TV
Javier Regueiro en Ined 21
Artículo sobre la RA en educación
Poscast Tecnología y educación en la SER
Amplio reportaje en el espacio "Retina"
La camiseta mágica, en el programa Futura, de Cuatro
En la sección de app imprescindibles
Body cards, en RTVE
En el programa Emprende
Magic T-shirt, en Zapeando
Con Dani Mateo y Valeria Ros, en La Sexta
Entrevista en Éxito educativo
Ayudando al docente desde la realidad aumentada
EVO Magic T-shirt, en la Sexta
Educación en la era digital
EVO Magic T-shirt, en Antena 3
Los retos de la era digital
Artículo en TICs en las aulas
"La ciencia, con RA entra", por Javier Regueiro